Better [Lyrics]

I remember when, holding you, in my arms
The world was so different
I thought I knew what love was all, about
That disappeared in an instant

You followed me from cradle to, the road
I watched you grow in a moment
I let the dreams I had when I, was young
Get replaced, with the sparkle in your eyes

Hang on, things will get better
The sun will get brighter

You don’t see it now, but soon you will, with time
We’re all so different
Your mom and I, just had to grow, apart
I promise I won’t be distant

I can look beyond, to the corners of, your life
All of your chances
But I make myself, stay present in, this time
Can’t afford to lose this moment

Hang on, things will get better
The sun will get brighter
Hang on, things will get better
The stars will be brighter

Hi there, I'm Jon.

Writer. Musician. Adventurer. Nerd.

Purveyor of GIFs and dad jokes.