Fight On!

I’m far from the biggest sports fan, but I’ll always cheer for my alma matter. I still have my Reggie Bush jersey from back in the day. Today was the first game of the year and we lucked out by getting the game on our TV. Ruby sat down beside me and asked the basic kids sports question: “Who do we want to win?”

“The guys in red,” I said. “Put your fingers up like this and make a ‘V’. Then say: ‘FIGHT ON TROJANS!’”

“Nooooo,” she smiled.

“Tell you what. In my dresser, I have a red football shirt, just like those guys. If you say ‘FIGHT ON TROJANS’, you can wear it.”

Hi there, I'm Jon.

Writer. Musician. Adventurer. Nerd.

Purveyor of GIFs and dad jokes.